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Message Masters

North Texas Health Insurance

North Texas Health Insurance, a leading provider in the healthcare sector, faced critical challenges in attracting organic leads, projecting a professional image, and strategizing for growth. Seeking a transformative solution, they partnered with Message Masters, a renowned brand development agency known for crafting compelling brand narratives and driving impactful results.

The Challenge

  • Need for Organic Leads: North Texas Health Insurance aimed to increase organic leads and sales, reducing dependency on paid leads.

  • Professional Image: They sought a more appealing and professional brand identity to resonate with their target audience.

  • Strategic Direction: The company lacked a clear strategy for marketing, online presence, and revenue growth.

  • Relevant Messaging: Outdated messaging needed an overhaul to align with current market trends and audience preferences.

Our Approach

  • Insights & Evaluation: Message Masters conducted a comprehensive evaluation of North Texas Health Insurance's brand strengths, weaknesses, and growth opportunities using INSIGHT Pro.

  • Discovery & Consultation: A two-hour consultation with our brand strategists delved into defining the brand's purpose, vision, mission, target audience, and key differentiators.

  • Brand Core Development: Crafting a purpose-driven brand core, including purpose statements, value propositions, and a brand story to engage and resonate with the audience.

  • Visual & Verbal Identity: Designing a visually captivating logo, defining a distinctive brand voice and personality, and creating a comprehensive brand style guide.

  • Digital Transformation: Implementing strategic social media content, website graphics, digital/print media collateral, and impactful video production to enhance online presence and engagement.

  • Ongoing Support: Providing brand management tools, internal communication strategies, and a MasterPlan for sustained brand success and growth.

The Results

  • 20% Increase in Organic Leads: Post-brand refresh, North Texas Health Insurance witnessed a significant boost in organic leads and sales.

  • Enhanced Brand Appeal: The brand's visual overhaul and strategic messaging led to a more appealing and professional image.

  • Strategic Direction: Clear strategies for marketing, online presence, and revenue growth empowered the company to make informed decisions and maximize marketing spend.

  • Time & Resource Savings: The brand's streamlined processes and effective communication strategies saved time and resources, leading to improved efficiency.

  • Increased Autonomy & Innovation: With a strong brand foundation and clear direction, North Texas Health Insurance embraced autonomy and fostered a culture of innovation.

  • $200,000 ROI: The investment in brand development yielded tangible returns, with $200,000 in new organic leads and closed deals, showcasing a significant return on investment.

Why Message Masters?

Message Masters' holistic approach to brand development, coupled with strategic insights, creative execution, and measurable outcomes, delivered transformative results for North Texas Health Insurance. Our collaborative efforts empowered the brand to innovate, attract ideal clients, and achieve tangible business growth while positioning them for sustained success in a competitive market landscape.

Message Masters

Argyle, Tx

(940) - 784-3652

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